Inter-national Travel Update
17 May, 2021
1,040 words, 6 minute read
International travel is finally back for people in England from today (Monday 17th May 2021)! There are still restriction and requirements which need to be fulfilled but it’s a step forward.
A new ‘traffic light’ system allows for quarantine-free travel to a small number of destinations also known as the ‘green list’. Currently there are only 12 countries on that list, but we know all lists will be revisited and reviewed every 3 weeks.
Flights are also allowed to several ‘amber list’ countries. These require a ten-day quarantine on return. It should be noted however that the government website does stipulate “You should not travel to amber list countries or territories.”
It is not advised that you travel to a ‘red list’ country.
So, what exactly does each traffic light mean and what are the procedures you need to follow when visiting those countries? Below is a brief summary as we understand it. Further information can be found on the UK government webpage:
NOTE: You do not need to take a COVID-19 test or quarantine on arrival in England if you are travelling within the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, (the Common Travel Area), and you have not been outside of the Common Travel Area in the previous 10 days.
Travelling to Green List Countries
You must only have been in or travelled through a green list country or the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man in the previous 10 days.
If you have also been in or through a country or territory on the red list in the 10 days before you arrive in England, you must follow the red list rules.
If you have also been in or through a country or territory on the amber list in the 10 days but have not visited a country on the red list, you must follow the amber list rules.
These rules are regardless of you vaccine status and must be followed by all.
Before you travel to England you must:
- Take a COVID-19 test
- Book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test – to be taken after arrival in England
- Complete a passenger locator form
On arrival in England:
- You must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 after you arrive.
- No need to quarantine unless the test result is positive. You must quarantine if NHS Test & Trace informs you that you travelled to England with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
We all know how fluid the situation has been and continues to be. If conditions change in a country or territory, it can be moved from the green list to the amber or red list. This will be flagged in the green watchlist column.
If there is a sudden change in conditions, a country or territory may be moved between lists without warning.
Travelling to Amber List Countries
As a reminder, the government website states, “You should not travel to amber list countries or territories.” If you do travel from or through an Amber listed country these are the regulations which must be followed regardless of your vaccine status:
Before you travel to England you must:
- Take a COVID-19 test
- Book and pay for day 2 and day 8 COVID-19 travel tests – to be taken after arrival in England
- Complete a passenger locator form
On arrival in England you must:
- Quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days
- Take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 and on or after day 8
You may be able to end quarantine early if you pay for a private COVID-19 test through the Test to Release scheme.
Travelling to Red List Countries
If you have been in a country or territory on the red list in the last 10 days you will only be allowed to enter the UK if you are a British or Irish National, or you have residence rights in the UK.
You must follow these rules even if you have been vaccinated.
Before you travel to England you must:
- Take a COVID-19 test
- Book a quarantine hotel package, including 2 COVID-19 tests
- Complete a passenger locator form
On arrival in England you must:
- Quarantine in a managed hotel, including 2 COVID-19 tests
Compulsory PCR tests
The government website has a list of PCR test providers but do check with your travel provider in case they offer a package. Money Saving Expert has an article on finding the cheapest private coronavirus tests that is also worth looking at.
So, can we really say that travel is back? Well, yes and no. The green list is small. There are hoops to jump through but if you’re willing then yes. You can travel. The traffic light system, covid vaccine passport idea and travel in general will be interesting areas to watch unfold over the coming weeks and months. We’ll be watching carefully – we’re desperate to get travelling again and to offer amazing overseas events for all our clients!
Watch this space …